California Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled in January his proposed 2022–2023 budget to ensure the success of, and build upon, California’s School Meals for All policy:
- $650 million in funding for School Meals for All
- $596 million in Proposition 98 funding, on top of $54 million provided in the 2021 Budget Act, to fund universal access to school meals, for a total of $650 million
- $30 million in one-time General Fund money to establish new farm-to-school projects and $3 million in ongoing funding to expand the regional California Farm to School Network by adding 16 new positions at the California Department of Food and Agriculture
- $450 over three years for upgrading school kitchen infrastructure and equipment
- $450 million in one-time Proposition 98 funding, available over three years, to upgrade school kitchen infrastructure and equipment to incorporate fresher, minimally processed California-grown food in school meals
State of California Budget Change Proposal, Budget Request # 8570-045-BCP-2022-GB, 1/10/22
California January 2022-23 Budget Summary, 1/10/22